December 21, 2017

California, ahead of Jan. 1 2018 launch, doles out first temporary cannabis business licenses

The state of California last week handed out its first 20 temporary cannabis business licenses in advance of the fast approaching January 1, 2018 launch date of the state’s regulated recreational cannabis industry. California’s Bureau of Cannabis Control is anticipating a rush of applications for the state licenses between now and January 1. The licenses, which are valid for 120 days past issuance, are a stop-gap measure until permanent licenses are validated.

Of course, to acquire a valid temporary license, business owners must also have a local license or permit. As we have covered in prior posts regarding the statewide effort towards legalized recreational use on January 1, the most important thing a business in the cannabis industry can do is to become familiar with the local and state regulations they must be in compliance with. Where do you apply? The Bureau has set up a website that walks you through the steps.

While the state is doing its part to responsibly define guidelines and regulations before January 1, there is no harm in business owners informing themselves on the regulations and guidelines on a state and local level. Many municipalities are struggling to define their own policies before January 1 and business owners can help themselves by having their ducks in a row, so to speak, when it comes to applying for the local and state licenses and permits. As a reminder, the city of Los Angeles recently passed its own local regulations and has already seen a surge of applications.

If you have specific questions about your own cannabis business, feel free to contact MMLG to receive the right advice from the right experts.