JAMA reports that senior citizens are consuming more and more cannabis. Adjust your marketing plans accordingly, cannabis operators
February 26, 2020

JAMA Report: Seniors enjoy consuming cannabis, numbers are going up, up, up

JAMA [There’s a Bob Marley joke in there somewhere. –Ed.] has released a report indicating that American seniors (people 65+) are acknowledging cannabis use at a higher and higher clip. In a four-year window that closed in 2018, the JAMA report explained, seniors acknowledging cannabis consumption jumped by more than 75%.

Seniors and baby boomers remain an overlooked consumer category

So what’s the takeaway from this report for cannabis operators? The same thing it has been for a number of year, baby boomers and the 65+ crowd is a growing demographic market. While most operators have been targeting that coveted 18-25 demographic. Baby boomers, still the most wealthy of consumer sets, has largely been overlooked. We harped on this all the way back in 2018 when Jimmy Buffett partnered with Surterra/Parallel. MMLG’s blogger, while not a baby boomer, is a huge Parrothead and we got some jokes thrown our way in the office due to the whole “you’re writing about Buffett because you love Buffett,” which, guilty as charged. But we also had a very valid point that’s reinforced by this new JAMA report. Confirmation bias, baby! Savor it!

The JAMA report reinforces the fact that baby boomers, with their disposable income, are considering cannabis as a valid recreational and therapeutic substance to consume. Operators in the plant-touching space would do well to target not only “the youths” but also baby boomers.

JAMA report also suggests some health cautions

The report while largely sunny from a business standpoint, also brought up one troubling aspect of the 65+ crowd consuming cannabis. Namely, an increase in combining cannabis and alcohol. Combining any substances can compound their effects and that’s no different with cannabis and booze. Additionally, an added concern for many seniors who may be on prescription drugs for specific health conditions, is the combined effects or interactions between said prescriptions and cannabis. For anyone, not just seniors, responsible disclosure of cannabis habits with a medical professional is encouraged before starting a new prescription regiment.

Have questions on reaching baby boomers with your company? Want to talk to MMLG’s blogger about how great Jimmy Buffett is? Contact us today.